Friday, September 28, 2007

Where's the Bean?

Ok, The Bean has been very busy lately (meaning her parents have been busy lately), so there has been little time to blog. She (and by she, I mean her parents) has recently traveled to Utah, moved into a new house, and set up lots of baby stuff. Yeah, a lame excuse, but an excuse nonetheless!

Anyway, a recent text message from my sister, Ashley, alerted me to just how long it has been since we last wrote a post about Beaner. So, for Ashley and both of our other readers, here's the most recent Bean news:

The Bean is now 33 weeks old! It's crazy how fast time has started going. We are just shy of the one month mark. She has been very active lately, and it has been fun to be able to "play" with her when I can feel her pushing her butt or other extremites into the outer walls of Tiff's stomach. When I can feel her there I will usually give her a little push and then she will move away. Pretty cool. She also gets the hiccups on a near daily basis. Poor kid; her whole body moves when she has a hiccup!
Baby Center uses some interesting terminology in their description of Week 33. According to Baby Center, Bean "rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and [her] skeleton is hardening." Alien baby!

Also, "the bones in [her] skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for [her] to fit through the birth canal." I'm sure Tiffany is going to love reading this part. Baby Center is also quick to point out that because of intense pressure on their head during birth, many babies are born "with a conehead-like apperance." Creepy.

In other news, Bean is probably around 4 pounds and 17 inches long. I think she's bigger than that. We often lovingly refer to her as The Giant Bean.
That's all for now. Tune in next week for the exciting adventures of The Bean!