Hi everybody. Well, we had our ultrasound today and were a little perturbed at first because the Bean was lying face down, toward my back, so the tech couldn't see as much. She had me walk around, go to the bathroom, she jiggled my stomach and started poking it with the ultrasound sensor, trying to get the Bean to roll over, but the Bean was being stubborn. While Adam and I were on our 5 minute walk to hopefully get the Bean moving, he said, "I knew it! We're not going to find out the sex!!" I was surprisingly the calm one and thought it odd that he was so put out by it since he was the one who wanted to wait to find out the sex. Well, the nurses said it looked like the Bean was asleep. In spite of the Bean's unchanging position, the nurse asked if we wanted to know the sex, and after looking for just a second she informed us we were having a little girl! We were both surprised since we were sure it would be a boy. Finally when the nurse was about to give up, the Bean rolled over and started moving around more. We got to see her yawn, stretch out her legs and move her fingers around--it looked like she was giving us the peace sign. Adam and I are both very excited. We went to dinner and then went to buy a little girl outfit. I'll scan some of the ultrasound pictures and post them in a few days.
Congratulations!!! How exciting to know in advance and be able to plan and get cute little girl clothes and accessories.
We love you,
Uncle Ronald & Aunt Beth
OH MY GOSH!! HOW EXCITING! Congrats Tiff and Adam! That is so so awesome!
CONGRATULATIONS, you two!!! I just remembered today that you were going to be finding out soon, so I woke up early to check your blog. I'm so excited for you! A BABY GIRL! Happy Pink Purchasing! :)
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