Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Boring Bean

This has been somewhat of a lackluster week (week 17) in terms of Bean development, but the next few weeks should be a little more exciting. The Bean now weighs a whopping five ounces, and is about five inches long (about the size of a large onion). Along with a developing skeletal structure and umbilical cord, The Bean is also starting to develop its hearing.

What The Bean has lacked in fetal development this week, he/she has made up for in making his/her mom's life miserable. I (The Bean's father) am somewhat upset with The Bean for the way he/she has been treating his/her mother, and have told The Bean (note: The Bean's hearing is developing) that he/she needs to behave. I don't think The Bean is listening.

Here's a picture of Tiffany at 17 weeks:


Janelle said...

Love the first prego picture, Tiffany! I'm jealous you're showing so well! I still don't look pregnant--I just look like I have a big gut. You look super cute!

Bryan and Ashley said...

I second that!! You really do look adorable! :)